<aside> 👤 Sujoy Datta (Product Intern in App Development)- Raaho | Quick Digital Pvt. Ltd. Linkedin, Email



The idea is to build a personalized recommendation engine that helps students choose the best universities for studying abroad. The product takes into account various factors such as academic programs, affordability, location, culture, and job opportunities to provide students with a shortlist of the most suitable universities. UniScholars is an intuitive and user-friendly platform that caters to the individual needs of each student, ensuring that they can make informed decisions about their education and future career prospects.

Exploring the problem(s)

<aside> 💡 To explore the pilot initiative of enabling a user-friendly interface that lets students choose the best university as per their needs, it is essential to understand the audience and the problems in question.


Data points

Data Point Explanation Sources
Number of study abroad programs This data point refers to the total number of study-abroad programs that are available to students worldwide. This can give us a sense of the vast number of options that students must consider when deciding on a program. Universities and organizations worldwide offer a range of study abroad programs with different features such as location, academic programs, and cultural opportunities. According to the Institute of International Education, there are over 10,000 study-abroad programs available to students worldwide.

https://www.iie.org/news/us-institutions-top-choice-for-intl-students/ https://www.iie.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/IIE_FallSnapshot_2021_KeyFindings_FINAL.pdf | | Student preferences | This data point refers to the factors that students consider when selecting a study abroad program. These factors could include the program's location, cost, academic program offerings, or cultural opportunities. Surveying students about their preferences can provide valuable insights into what is most important to students when choosing a study abroad program. | A survey conducted by the Institute of International Education found that the top factors influencing student decisions about study abroad programs include academic quality, program cost, location, and personal safety.

https://www.iie.org/news/2017-07-06-iie-survey-of-college-admissions-international-students-fall-2017/ | | Program popularity | This data point refers to the study abroad programs that are most popular among students. Understanding which programs are in high demand can help universities and organizations adjust their offerings to better meet the needs and preferences of students. It can also give insights into the factors that are driving student interest in certain programs. | https://www.britishcouncil.org/education/he-science/insights https://www.iie.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/IC3-2021-Paper_International-Student-Mobility-Flows-and-COVID_2021_08_11.pdf

According to data from the Institute of International Education, some of the most popular study-abroad destinations for US students include the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, France, and Germany. A survey by the British Council found that the most popular destinations for Indian students studying abroad are the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. | | Student satisfaction | This data point refers to how well study abroad programs are meeting the needs and expectations of students. Measuring student satisfaction with different programs can help universities and organizations identify areas where they can improve their programs to better meet the needs of students. | The International Student Barometer is a survey that measures student satisfaction with various aspects of the study abroad experience. According to data from the survey, students are most satisfied with academic quality, campus facilities, and campus environment, while they are least satisfied with the cost of living and financial support.

https://www.tees.ac.uk/sections/international/isb2021.cfm | | Support services | This data point refers to the support services available to students who are considering or participating in study abroad programs. These services may include advising, pre-departure orientation, and in-country support. Evaluating the quality and availability of these support services can help universities and organizations address the challenges that students may face when navigating the study abroad process. | According to a survey conducted by the Forum on Education Abroad, some of the most commonly offered support services for study abroad students include pre-departure orientation, academic advising, and in-country support services such as emergency assistance and cultural activities. The same survey found that students who receive support services tend to have a more positive study abroad experience and are more likely to recommend their program to others.

https://forumea.org/resources/data-collection/ |

Key Findings from Data

<aside> 💡 Legend → 🔴 Priority 1, 🔵 Priority 2, 🟢 Priority 3 The above-mentioned legends are in decreasing order of urgency. The v1.0 of the product can include 80% of the P1 problems and 20% of the P2 problems. The P3 problems are good to have.


Data Problem Statement Source Priority
Over 1,000 U.S. universities offer study-abroad programs Students may find it difficult to choose a program that meets their needs and interests among the overwhelming number of options available https://www.iie.org/Research-and-Insights/Open-Doors/Data/US-Study-Abroad 🔴
In a survey of 3,500 study-abroad participants, 70% reported feeling overwhelmed by the number of program options The vast number of study abroad programs available can create confusion and stress for students trying to choose a program https://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/articles/study-abroad-by-the-numbers 🔴
A survey conducted by AFS-USA found that 46% of study-abroad participants experienced anxiety or stress while abroad Adapting to a new environment and culture can be challenging for students, leading to negative emotions such as anxiety or stress https://afs.org/2019/07/16/afs-research-study-abroad-student-wellbeing/ 🟢
In a survey of 1,500 students who chose not to study abroad, 33% cited concerns about cost as the primary reason Financial barriers can prevent students from accessing study-abroad opportunities, limiting their ability to gain valuable international experience https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2018/11/13/cost-continues-be-barrier-students-who-want-study-abroad 🔴
According to the Institute of International Education, the average cost of a semester of study abroad is $18,000 High program costs can deter students from participating in study abroad programs, particularly those with limited financial means https://www.iie.org/Research-and-Insights/Open-Doors/Data/Cost-of-Study-Abroad 🔴
A survey conducted by Studyportals found that 72% of students reported difficulty navigating the application process for study-abroad programs The study abroad application process can be complicated and challenging for students, potentially discouraging them from pursuing international education opportunities https://studyportals.com/insights/insights-article/the-challenges-of-studying-abroad/ 🔵
In a survey of 1,000 U.S. college students, 68% reported concerns about safety as a barrier to studying abroad Fear of crime, terrorism, or political instability can discourage students from pursuing study abroad opportunities in certain countries or regions https://www.marketwatch.com/story/why-studying-abroad-could-now-cost-you-20-more-2018-06-29 🟢
According to the American Psychological Association, students studying abroad may experience culture shock, a feeling of disorientation when adapting to a new cultural environment Adapting to a new culture can be challenging for students, potentially leading to negative emotional and psychological effects such as culture shock https://www.apa.org/gradpsych/2012/09/abroad 🟢
A survey conducted by the Institute for International Education found that the most popular reasons for studying abroad among U.S. college students are personal growth and academic development Students may have high expectations for personal and academic growth while studying abroad, putting pressure on them to make the most of their experience, and do not know if they will land sustainable jobs. https://sujoyyyy.notion.site/724f59117d9f408d8a177906d5de41ed 🔴




When it comes to opting for higher education offshore, a majority of the students prioritise safety followed by employability and the reputation of the university or institution. These factors, however, do not manifest as an important criterion for selecting a university in India. According to the study, students prioritise good weather, safety and social life when choosing a college or institution.

When it comes to opting for higher education offshore, a majority of the students prioritise safety followed by employability and the reputation of the university or institution. These factors, however, do not manifest as an important criterion for selecting a university in India. According to the study, students prioritise good weather, safety and social life when choosing a college or institution.

Is it worth kickstarting a solution for students who wish to study abroad but are overwhelmed by the number of options available?

The decision to launch a product for students who wish to study abroad but are overwhelmed by the number of options available depends on several factors, such as the demand for such a product, the level of competition in the market, and the resources available for product development and marketing.

Competitor Differentiating Factor Monthly Active Users Pricing Model
Go Overseas A comprehensive database of study abroad programs and reviews 1.5 million Free for users; program providers pay for premium features
GoAbroad Personalized matching algorithm for study abroad programs 1 million Free for users; program providers pay for premium features
Studyportals Customizable search engine for study abroad programs 1 million Free for users; program providers pay for premium features
Cialfo AI-powered college counselling platform with study-abroad resources 100,000 Subscription-based pricing for schools and individual counsellors
BridgeU College counselling platform with study abroad resources 50,000 Subscription-based pricing for schools
Edvoy An AI-powered platform for study abroad planning and application support 10,000 Free for users; program providers pay for premium features.






<aside> ✅ Considering the above factors, it looks favourable to help students who wish to study abroad.


Project Launch JTBD